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From Shattered to Shine: Geneva D. Ashley, Visionary

Updated: Aug 28, 2023

Born Geneva D. Holmes she has overcome much! Divorce, multi-faceted domestic violence, brokenness, and homelessness to name a few. Today she is Geneva D. Ashley, the Wife to her loving Husband, whom she affectionately calls “Mr. Ashley”, a Mother and “Gammy”, all whom which she refers to as her FIRST ministry at all times.

Geneva loves to serve others and is an active Domestic Violence Advocate, Philanthropist, Master Coach, Convo Space Host, Author and Pastor.

With Louisiana roots, Geneva was raised in the Greater Bay Area region of Northern California. Often accompanying her “Granny” to the Kingdom Hall, Geneva learned early in life that there had to be more to life.

By the age 19, she was introduced to the Church of God in Christ, where she fell deeply in love with Jesus Christ experiencing spiritual awakening like she’d never seen or felt before.

In 2016 Geneva founded a support organization for Women exclusively called, Her SHE Circle, offering a plethora of support services.

To book Geneva D. Ashley, please email: or call (701) 595-5433.

What inspired your vision to create this book?

This book derives from my own personal domestic violence experience and the fact that I was overlooked and not supported by church leadership or family. And the fact that my abuser's behavior was embraced in ministry and our inner circles, while my character was assassinated. Many listened and formed opinions but never offered support. I vowed that I would set platforms to pull others forward from the darkness of DV without judgment or drama, this book is a continuation of my ministry, mandate and mission.

Tell us the Title of your Chapter and a little bit about what you wrote.

"I Choose Me" is the chapter title.

This is written with the person in mind that has settled for anything less than they deserved. The one who made the choice to seize "better" but still struggle with self-worth and self love. So with these readers in mind, I intentionally shared a brief synopsis of real struggles that they may connect with the fact that there is life after domestic violence, and it is worth living with purpose on purpose!

Tell us what message or lesson do you hope that people will receive after reading your chapter or book.

After reading the book, I hope the readers may come to understand and become enlightened about the necessity to care of self following trauma and gain insight that it is imperative to choose healthy relationships while forgiving themselves for settling for anything less be it past or present.

Favorite Empowerment Quote or Scripture

Scripture: Psalms 8:4, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? (NIV)

Quote: If I may leave you with one more thought as you remember to care for yourself after the travesty of domestic violence, also remember this quote: “We are not rehab centers nor halfway houses to reform those that choose to remain clueless and remain in denial of who they are or what they need to change the error of their ways!” ~Geneva D. Ashley~

Favorite Self-Care Activity

My favorite Self-Care Activity is to operate in awareness of the types of environments I allow myself to entertain or dwell. Therefore, I am cognizant of protecting my peace and surrounding myself with people of like minds. This includes a regular prayer life and intentionally carving out quality time for myself alone and with family. And setting boundaries that are conducive to the type of peace I desire and require.

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